Thursday, April 7, 2011


Then maybe you better reconsider your want to be in shape.  It takes a lot of time and effort to become the physical specimen you want to be.  Simply just wanting or longing for it does not make it happen.  It makes me sick to see all of the people at the gym that sit there with there cell phones, either texting or talking on them.  One thing I can not only profess to, I can prove it.  Not one single one of these people has shown any progress in their body change that can be seen.  Yep, If have been going to the same gym for over two years now and the majority of the people there have the horrible addiction of "The Cell Phone", they text constantly, they talk constantly, and get Absolutely NOTHING Accomplished at all!  It is so sad that these individuals can't see past the rediculous addiction of the cell phone to accomplish what they truly want.  But no, they will years from now have racked up several hundreds of dollars of bills, and all they have to show for it is their great ability to use a cell phone.  Boy is that an accomplishement!  That will surely impress a lot of people at the beach??  Surely impress many at the pool??  I can see it now, passers-by saying " He surely must have been working hard texting!"

Take the phone and shut it off, or just don't join the gym!  I don't want to hear there are any excusses to have it on your hip.  NONE!  If you can't devote your time, then be truthful with yourself and save the money.  Sit home and talk and text and get fatter and more out of shape than you are now.  That will truly accomplish just as much as you accomplish by bringing that piece of electronic garbage to the gym with you...

Are you ready to proceed to the next commandment?

I highly recommend an MP3 player, it doesn't have to be an expensive IPOD, just an inexpensive MP3 Player.  Fill it with songs you like and it will make a world of difference in your workout.  Don't try to fill the player with pod casts and information that you have to concentrate on that will only decrease your ability to focus on the job at hand, which of course it to build your body into a beautiful piece of art.

The MP3 player will also keep you from being distracted in the gym.  The following things are present in every gym and it is great not to be interupted by them: People talking, TVs, the sound of machines, etc all can distract you.  Don't let these distractions make your workout less effective.

Also the earphones will keep those people that simply go to the gym to socialize away from you.  You see these people at every gym, they simply want to talk to others and accoplish absolutely nothing themself.

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